Transitional Territories
The annual symposium ‘Territory as a Project: Inland-Seaward Notes on a Project’ organized by the Transitional Territories Studio and Research explores the agency of design as a mode of investigation and reflexive transformation of the ever-changing interrelations between natural processes, societal practices, and (geo)political frameworks. This year marks the end of a three-year cycle of investigations of our research group and graduation studio called ‘Inland-Seaward’ which aimed to bring together perspectives from urban theories, critical media, and design to explore spatial concepts that can help us decipher the material processes of anthropogenic transformation across scales, and the possible social and ecological (re)organization of the coastal and terrestrial landscape continuum. The event combines with an exhibition and review which reflects the progress that the students of our graduation studio have made with their thesis so far. The collection of work presented in “Territory as a Project: Counter-Territories” exhibition critically analyses the de- / re-territorialization of places, structures and cultures between land and sea: the palimpsest of traces of inhabitation, production, and infrastructure projected on land, river, and ocean grounds, which define the urban as a material and socio-ecological space. As guiding principle, the iterative notions of accumulation and clearance are at the core of the study. By looking into centres and repeated cycles of accumulation and their externalities, we aim to document urbanisation, its impact on present and future environment and life. The project continues in search for alternative forms of critical design as acts of care.
Territory as a Project 2023
– Inland, Seaward Notes on a Project Symposium / Counter-Territories Exhibition
organised and convened by
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Luisa Maria Calabrese
Nikos Katsikis
Diego Sepulveda Carmona
Transitional Territories Studio Graduates
under the framework of Transitional Territories Studio and Research, Delta Urbanism—Section of Urban Design. Department of Urbanism, TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.
TT 2022-2023 graduates
Agapi Kaperoni
Fábio Alzate Martinez
Ana Paula Amieva Gomez
Alessandra Balletta
Sanika Charatkar
Ann Eapen
Madeleine Fagald
Tara Kanj
Myrto Karampela
Francisca Mejia
Jinlai Song
Emilie Stecher
Yuqian Su
TT 2022-2023 mentors
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Luisa Calabrese
Diego Sepulveda Carmona
Nikos Katsikis
Laura Cipriani
Fransje Hooimeijer
Denise Piccinini
Luca Iuorio
Francesca Rizzetto
Daniele Cannatella
Geert van der Meulen
Heidi Sohn
Transitional Territories Studio and Research
Studio Leader
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Coordinated by
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Luisa Maria Calabrese
Section of Urban Design
Delta Urbanism Interdisciplinary Research Group
Department of Urbanism
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.